Getting To Know CCMA.

Promoting the science and art of medicine, care and well-being of patients, protection of the public health, and betterment of the medical profession.

Who We Are

Group portrait of doctors

The Central Coast Medical Association (CCMA) is a professional association of physicians throughout San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties who are dedicated to addressing local health issues of concern to their patients and their profession. We are a subsidiary of the California Medical Association (CMA) and are affiliated with the American Medical Association (AMA).

The CCMA represents more than 600 physicians. Our members voluntarily support this organization through annual dues, enabling us to continue to address the health needs of our community.

Physician membership in the Medical Association assures you that your doctor has completed the appropriate educational and training activities and is a fully licensed physician in the State of California. You may also be assured that your physician is active in continuing the high quality of medical care available in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties.

Mission Statement

Promoting the science and art of medicine, care and well-being of patients, protection of the public health, and betterment of the medical profession.

Looking for Work in Doctor’s Office?

The Medical Association accepts resumes from persons who are looking for jobs in a physician’s office.  The resumes are kept on file for Medical Association member physicians or their office managers to review when they are looking for an employee.  Many employees have been successfully employed through this service.  Resumes may be sent to the Medical Association by fax, 805.364.5431 or email.